Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Preparing for the new year

Well lets get some info out there

My wonderful ana buddy Angela and I, both in different time zones, decided to take control of our lives.  Fed up of being fat lazy slobs, we jumped at the chance for a new start in 2010.

Let me introduce myself...
Hi, I'm 21, a junior at penn state in erie, pa. technically my senior year but i switched my major 5 times.  but im happy where i am now hah, well ive had my wonderful ed since i was 14 at boarding school, it helped me cope with being away from my family.  i did get better after we moved back to the US, but i started with a new problem, depression..anyways a long story short ive been on my depression meds and got better but there was something missing...ana!! I was so happy when i was tiny, no depression no nothing!! but now its like the last puzzle piece and i found it! if it helps i keep track of my caloric intake using thedailyplate on

anyways my stats..
age: 21
hw 170 i know right
lw 110 yay
cw 150ish? less though
starting weight will be posted new years eve!!!
ugw 110 or less

Hey everyone, I'm Angela. I'm 23 and just began my journery into "the real world" after graduation college this past May. I'm so happy to be here, and doing this one day at at a time with my amazing friend Ava! The last few months would have been pure misery without her - Thanks Ava! I've always had a really poor relationship with food and an even worse relationship with my body. I was really active in high school so never had a ton of time to think/worry about it and didn't have to try extremely hard or do anything out or the ordinary to stay at a "normal" weight. Then my Dad passed away and everything went to hell. My weight has been up and down ever since then and I'm ready to be the one in control again. I can't control a lot of things in my life, but this I can! I think I speak for both of us when I say that we are so excited to embark on the new year and to share our journey, struggles, and triumphs with anyone who is interested. Cheers to 2010. May it bring happiness and love to all who are open to it and the serene, beautiful perfection of 110 to my good friend Ava and I. -1.1.10- The year of perfection!

My Stats:
Age: 23
Height: 5' 5"
HW: 147
CW: 140
UGW: 110
As of late, I've only been maintaining. Not successfully losing any drastic amounts of weight.. That is all about to change in the new year and I couldn't be more ready or more excited.